When things get hard at work, well-intentioned people will tell you, “You just gotta have faith.” But when you suffer shame or anger professionally, “having faith” doesn’t necessarily mean feeling secure.
Wendell Berry wrote that “Faith puts you out on a wide river in a boat, in the fog, in the dark.”
What makes fog bearable? Learning that others are with you. That’s a hope for this week’s conversation, that you’ll hear good voices with you in the thick of it all.
But we’re also subtweeting your boss. We think that workplaces could learn to be more human if senior leadership learns to tell their stories of being out in the fog. (Consider sharing this with your manager. Think of it as shrewd passive aggression.)
Below, you’ll see we’ve added a person to our podcast team: Dana (in the middle) joins David, Emily, LaShone, and me.
And, yes, the Mode/Switch is getting as populous as an MCU movie.