Should You Say What You Really Think at Work?
A podcast convo about practicing authenticity and restraint--and what both have to do with happiness in working community.
Arthur Brooks’s recent article, “Why a Bit of Restraint Can Do You a Lot of Good,” argues, Don’t let it all hang out—you’ll be happier longer. In other words, practice a little self control about what you say, what you wear, how you behave, what tats you get, how you do your hair, and you’re likelier to experience long-term happiness than if you’re only goal is to just “keep it real.”
The Mode/Switchers—LaShone, Emily, David, & I—think this claim has some problems in the workplace, so we discuss a tricky set of questions:
What does it mean to be authentic at work? What does professional authenticity look like as opposed to backstage “it’s-just-us-right? authenticity?
How do Black and brown people experience the call to bring their whole selves to work?
How should you curate your authenticity in less-than-safe workplaces?
And, maybe most importantly, how you can practice authenticity without shutting down other people’s wellbeing?