Here’s what I thought would happen in this week’s pod: I thought we would seek an alternative to tunnel vision—or the ever-narrowing focus and the fiercely fenced fiefdoms that choke organizational culture.
As Emily, David, Ken, and I tucked into our mics, I already had a mode/switch in place: from tunnel vision to vista vision. “Expand your awareness,” I was thinking. “Take in the context. Read the room, people!”
But as the talk started to spread out, it quickly became obvious that my tidy little mode/switch wasn’t gonna land.
Because job descriptions keep expanding, because skillsets keep specializing—a weird double movement that yanks and squeezes us at the same time—our vocations don’t allow us to pay out just one kind of attention at work.
So, in the first twenty minutes of your workday, as you’re trying to brace yourself for all the meetings, press “play” on this conversation about the multiple kinds of awareness our work calls us to pay out.