I’ve worked most of my life in communities where anger’s unacceptable. But sometimes anger is indispensable at work—especially when it’s settled opposition to inequity in the late modern American workplace.
Regular Mode/Switchers Emily, Ken, and I are joined by millennial guest Shaq Anthony and Gen Z guest Olivia Winkowitsch to address questions like, Is the exhaustion you’re feeling actually anger? How can anger make you inquisitive? How can anger empower resistance?
But what do you do when you realize that your anger is not enough to change your industry?
That question troubles this week’s intergenerational conversation at the Mode/Switch table. You’ll hear painful stories. You’ll revisit labor history. And you’ll learn moves you can make to catalyze anger for the sake of change.
Strange as it sounds, this podcast is here for your anger and for your workplace’s good.