The bridge is out in the workplace today. Communication that’s supposed to cross the chasms between genders, between races, and between generations often feels incompetent for the job.
What do you say when you feel deeply, deeply misunderstood?
This week’s team of intergenerational Mode/Switchers—Emily, Andrea, LaShone, David, and Craig joined by Gen Z guest Alex D'Agostino—offer practical suggestions for what to say when saying doesn’t seem to make things better.
As LaShone says, we recommend a mode/switch from competence to humility, and we share statistics and stories for how that shift works in-person and remotely.
If you’ve had all you can take this week, try listening to this half-hour convo. For me, the Mode/Switch Pod sends me back to workplace interactions with more wisdom and grace and—breath.
Let us know what you’ve experienced in the comment section. We’d love to learn from you about challenging conversations at work. What do you think about this week’s mode/switch from competence to humility?